Sunday, March 12, 2006


Caught my favorite James Bond movie, From Russia with Love earlier tonight on the bigscreen. It's the best of all the Bond pix, at least in my opinion. Istanbul, where much of it is filmed, is a cool-looking city, the architecture exotic to these American eyes. I'd like to see more movies set there(well, there's Topkapi) .

Along with the other James Bond movies, I remember seeing From Russia with Love as a kid, in the theatre, and particularly enjoying the big fight scene on the train, where Bond barely wins thanks to the attache case he almost didn't want to bring along originally('I don't see how I'll be needing this. M: 'take it anyway, you might need it'.)

And of course the scene where Klebb and Kronsteen are both standing before #1(whom you never see, just hands petting a white cat-and of course he's wearing the special "spectre ring")trying to 'splain what went wrong and blaming each other to avoid being killed themselves. A henchman is signalled into the room and clicks his boots to open a poison-filled spike from one. Just when you think Klebb is gonna get the boot, by #1's words('we do not tolerate failure, #3- you know the penalty') and the henchman's malevolent stare, the henchman turns and kicks a flabbergasted Kronsteen, who falls to the floor. (Actually if you watch closely you'll see that the actor playing Kronsteen apparently makes a funny face from the floor at the henchman guy, who stifles a laugh, as the scene goes back to #1 addressing Klebb). Klebb, as we find out near the end of the movie, also "walks the walk" as far as having the special poison-spiked shoes..

The original Bond movies were made back in the 60's, and it's something how different some of the basic societal attitudes were at that time. Women were either sexpots or secretaries, and it was the guys who did all the thinking. What would be considered a Stepford Wives kinda thing now was de rigueur then. Plus the technology of course: reel-to-reel tape recorders were state of the art. The hot new items.

So I'd imagine, since they pretty much ooze male chauvinism(another example, from Goldfinger: where Bond pats the ass of his ladyfriend 'Dink'--who, to recommend her, is quite fetching--to shoo her off while he talks to Felix Liter, saying "man stuff".), most women probably HATE these early James Bond flicks. Whether they're name-hyphenatin' feminists or not. The Stooges and early Bond: not for the ladies, generally speaking.

As a male watching this stuff, I like to look at the babes in the movies(particularly Luciana Paluzzi from Thunderball, who has great tits)and enjoy the gadgetry and the action scenes. I note the chauvinistic attitudes, but not having a direct identification with it(again, I'm a guy)am not appalled by them. But I can see how they'd be offensive.Still, they're fun for us guys. Give me some nice sophomoric Stooge humor and early Bond movies anytime(well, unless I have a lady over). I guess I'm a purist in my appreciation, in that I really only like the Bond movies with Sean Connery, though Moonraker(with Roger Moore)had its moments.

Oh yeah, another notable moment in Thunderball(besides those showcasing Ms Paluzzi's copious cleavage), is The Other Cool Scene with #1, where SPECTRE agents from all over the world are assembled in two rows of fancy chairs(which turn out to be 'zap-o-loungers'), about 10 feet above which #1 presides, face shielded by a visor but hands visible- and once again, petting white cat. He's listening to the Area Financial Reports from various SPECTRE agents, and becomes skeptical of the accounting from the two American agents. As he accuses them of embezzlement, one sits calmly(smugly really)and the other apprehensively.

Just like in From Russia with Love, the punishment falls on the one who feels he's somehow exonerated. The calm guy gets the piss shocked out of him from his chair. And of course, being cold-blooded bahstads, they just proceed with business as usual as the electrocuted guy is lowered and then dumped and his chair returns to its upright position without him in it.Great stuff.


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