Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Brokedown Booty Palace

One film I like to go back and watch now and again is "Brokedown Palace", which is about 2 girls who go to Thailand and get mixed up with a shady character who plants heroin on them and then has them arrested. The scene in the Airport where they get busted is pretty dramatic: just as they're getting ready to board the plane, the Thai militia shows up and goes right to them, ready to shoot to kill.

The film stars Claire Danes and Kate Beckinsale as the 2 girls, and Bill Pullman as the lawyer("Yankee Hank")who tries to get them out. It was actually filmed in Manila, not Bangkok, but what the hell do us Americans know? One far-East setting is just like another.

A fairly entertaining movie. You get into the story, as the different layers unfold, and the exotic setting. But one other thing kept with me while watching the film, and observing Danes and Beckinsale.

Who has the better can?

You could definitely argue toward Danes, who makes up for what she may lack in kazooms with nice hips and a solid, substantial backside(which, by the way, you get a good look at in the movie "Shopgirl"). Good legs too. Definitely more of a 'lower-body' chick. Beckinsale is a bit taller and willowier, but her butt has surprising cleft and swell to it, which may equal or exceed Danes'.

Well, all told, an entertaining movie. An interesting story(and, yes, based on true events--that shit really happens over there!), in an 'exotic' setting. And portrayed by 2 young actresses you enjoy seeing turn around.


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